Rebecca is a Chicago-based artist, writer, and educator whose practice explores the complex relationships we have with the natural world. Sculptures, collected/transformed matter, and de-compositions (objects and sculptures that lose structure with time) are deployed to call in and question inherent matters—the innards of daily experience, life cycles, death, and transformation. Immanent qualities, uncanniness, and poetics are engaged through rooting into and unearthing the nature of substance and how we deal with it. The ethic of the work revolves around giving attention to the interplay of tangible presence in relation to the potency of symbolic forms. The hope of this way of working is to find insight, resonance and movement within what is common but not recognized and to call attention to the difficult divisions in the way we relate to nature and our own corporeal existence. Rebecca holds an MA in Art History and an MFA in Studio arts from the University of Illinois, Chicago. She also holds a DIY in both bird taxidermy (learned and practiced at Chicago’s Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum) and ancient Hellenistic Astrology.